My Incontinence Embarrasses Me: Can You Help?

My Incontinence Embarrasses Me: Can You Help?

Urinary incontinence, the constant urge to empty your bladder, can wreak havoc on your life if you are forced to live with it. The experienced team at The Center for Women's Health in Newport News and Hampton, Virginia, provides relief to those suffering from this condition.

Symptoms of incontinence

We generally diagnose this condition with an account of your symptoms, which may include:

Let your doctor know if you experience ongoing pelvic pain, bladder spasms, pressure, or other symptoms, so we can help you get the relief you need.

Confirming incontinence and other bladder issues

We confirm your diagnosis by:

  1. Discussing your medical history
  2. Conducting a physical exam and taking a urine sample to test for blood or possible infection
  3. Ruling out pelvic nerve issues with a short neurological exam
  4. Performing a urinary stress test to note urine loss upon coughing or bearing down

If necessary, we pinpoint the root cause of your incontinence with additional bladder function tests to rule out more serious issues, such as bladder cancer or inflammation (cystitis). These include:

Causes of incontinence 

Many of us experience that sudden urge to urinate or other symptoms of incontinence from time to time. This is often temporary and due to various issues. When your incontinence occurs on a regular basis, it’s time to get help. Your condition may be caused by:

Other more serious issues include tumors that block urine flow, prostate cancer in men, or neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, strokes, or spinal injuries.

Help is on the way

Our compassionate doctors ease your mind and help control your symptoms. We suggest a variety of ways to lessen your risk of or experience with incontinence, such as: 

If your condition doesn’t improve, consider using a vaginal pessary, a removable device that fits in your vagina to offset any prolapse. We can also prescribe medications to help bladder muscles relax or increase your bladder’s capacity. If these don’t work, we also offer a minimally invasive surgical sling procedure to implant a mesh-type device beneath your bladder for support.

If you’d like to discuss this or any other health issues with one of our doctors, simply contact all or book a consultation online with The Center for Women's Health today. 

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